A home for all my stuff.

My name is Chris. I am an artist and an engineer. I write and produce music. I write software. Sometimes I like other things, too.

Why I don't link to my music on Spotify

Spotify have shown themselves to be a heartless corporate entity only concerned with increasing shareholder value at any cost.

Unless a musician generates a significant amount of streams (think in the millions) then they simply do not pay you at all. They don’t even pretend to. They jsut tell you you’re not important enough to bother with. Which is rich coming from a platform that relies on these people to create their content.

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Why is your website so basic?

Why not? The internet in 2025 is largely unusable. Try finding and using any website without having to navigate a plethora of adverts, AI-generated crap, popups, algorithms and spam. That’s not even considering the vast amount of tracking that’s happening to you every time you touch a digital device in almost any way.

My website is a home for all my stuff. I’m not trying to sell you anything.

I’m not tracking you. I wrote all this rubbish myself (as you can probably tell). I’ll use an image if I need to, but I’m not plastering my website with images and videos in a vague attempt at making it more “engaging”.

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Social Media Policy

“Social Media” is a cancer on society.

I’m not on Social Media any more.

These platforms exist to exploit you. They do everything they possibly can to keep you coming back and make it almost impossible for you to leave. That usually means making you angry. Provoking you.

They exaggerate and encourage the divisions between us in the name of profit.

And the amount of profit these companies make is obscene. Not that that’s enough for the shareholders. It doesn’t matter how much they make - they always need more. And given a chance they would consume the entire planet in pursuit or growth.

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